A universal step towards the multiverse
Solutions made easy
You deserve the best
talent meet opportunities
Hire. Train. Retain.
People. Process. Power.
Universal HR Solutions is the Complete HR Outsource Service Business & one of the upcoming Service providers In Mumbai & Thane Districts. Currently, Universal HR Solutions is operating from Thane & Mumbai locations. The Complete HR Outsource Service Business is in the process of expanding its horizons to the other markets with Universal HR Solutions.
Universal HR Solutions are aware of the challenges in the recruitment industry with skill-based candidates. We are well trained and equipped with advanced resource and technologies which helps to deliver quality services to our clients from various industries.
Know MoreThe process of attracting, scrutinizing and recruiting the best talent available to ensure your organization has the right people, with the right skills, who are in the right job and are working against the right requirements known as Talent Acquisition
Know MoreUniversal HR Solutions has always offered premium staffing solutions services. We as a staffing firm recruits and assigns candidates to support a client§Ó??s workforce based on the current skills, shortages, workloads, demands, and special project requirements.
Know MoreA Human Resource is a strategic approach to the acquisition, motivation, development, and Management of the organization§Ó??s human resources. It is a specialized field that Attempts to dividing an appropriate corporate culture, and introducing programs
Know MoreUniversal HR Solutions is an innovative and one of the leading recruitment company that offers you multiple hiring solutions.
License Registration No: 1910200312846117
UAM No: MH33D0103614
+91-9768719162 / +91-8369327922
For Client: info@universalhrsolutions.in
For Job Seeker: resume@universalhrsolutions.in
Blossom Commercial Center, Shop No:11, D-Wing, Raheja Complex, Kalyan - West - 421 301.
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